Disruptive AI Increases Business Efficiency by Multiples

Companies pay $ Millions for a few percentage points of efficiency in any department. However, Artificial Intelligence is delivering efficiency improvement in multiples and its lightning fast. Thus far only the largest well-funded companies have had access to AI and the results of inclusion into their critical chains, from market intelligence, to product delivery has become evidently unfathomable. 
In early 2017, Jeff Bezos said that “Artificial Intelligence would fuel Amazon success.” As of today, Amazon has seen an unprecedented growth that experts say will make them the world’s first $ Trillion-dollar company. Amazon’s value is greater than the combined value of Walmart, Cost-Co, Target, Macy’s and Kohls.  In fact, many have watched in awe as the indomitable Walmart started chasing a competitor for the first time in history, shaking the confidence of investors to the steady decline of 30% decrease in market cap over the last two years.
The option of AI integration into business eco systems has only been available to the largest companies, until now.
The Israeli artificial intelligence company, Pai-Tech, now has a readily available AI solution for corporations and governments. Pai-tech deploys Artificial Intelligence (AI) ‘Bots’ that bring multiples in efficiency: as in 100’s of percentage points. The net result is more profits and more savings and smaller organizations can experience the affects like Amazon in even shorter time and for far less cost of deployment.   
Pai-Tech has simplified AI into component-based blocks that think and fulfill duties of humans on computers. Then that block communicates with other blocks quite intelligently; Even when new blocks are introduced to the chain. Whether it is supply chain or sales chain, Pai-tech bots can integrate instantly and at the same time remain isolated in various groups. Development and installation are all done in a snap and managed integration provides the easiest solution for smaller companies. Each organization can start small and grow with it or go all out.  
In summary, Pai-Tech BOTS instantly deliver an efficiency model that goes so far beyond Six Sigma, even Jack Welch would blush, because the efficiency is automatic and the intelligence keeps improving it.
The first public attention of Pai-Tech, outside of their successes with the Israeli Government and very large super-computing companies, has come from their fortunate acquisition by Horizons Holdings International Corp, which announced the acquisition of Pai-Tech in a filing with regulators. Horizons Holdings has not trumpeted their acquisition but instead only stating the necessary material information to meet the SEC reporting guidelines. The company seems to understand all too well that Pai-Tech may be of value to larger companies that want to accelerate capitalism to its fullest potential or suppress it to maintain the advantage. Either way, Horizons Holdings has acquired an asset with king-making value and has a clear understanding of its proposition to cash-flow.  
In an interview with Pai-Tech CEO, Tamir Fridman, to better understand Pai-Tech’s transaction flow, Mr. Fridman and I discussed the use of bots in our own news publishing company. After expressing the workflow of video production and specifically the challenges of video editing with professional software, Mr Fridman stated that in the time it takes to edit one video, Pai-Tech’s Bots can edit and natively publish 10 videos, natively to all platforms. That is way over a 1,000 percent increase in efficiency and delivery. That is closer to 15X! Pai-Tech’s Bot system allows any company or government agency with an existing process flow to be transformed and automated with the desired result, including those intuitive, on the fly, reactions that humans make daily. That’s a power that can have a truly powerful result on the entire global economy. 
Horizons Holdings just put in their value chest the ability to make companies and governments more efficient in multiples, instantly. When many are willing to pay millions for a percentage of efficiencies, how many billions can Pai-Tech generate for multiples? 
Article by: Joshua Lankford, Journalist for MN1.com 
Publisher: MarketNewsFirst
Word Count: 652
Brian Conrad, CEO, Horizon Holdings 
Tamir Fridman, CEO, Pai-Tech
